Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare

– Contraception counselling, initiation and review. We can offer advice about any form of contraception.

– Requests for appointments for emergency contraception should be dealt with that day.

– Consultation for advice about termination of pregnancy should be available within a few days.

– Sexual health advice and testing – we are happy to offer confidential advice – a comprehensive sexual health service is provided by Locala – see below for appointment and contact details.

– Services that require specialist clinic review (not performed at our practice) include contraceptive implant fitting and removal, contraceptive coil fitting – please ask if further information is required.

Contraception, sexual health and genito-urinary medicine (GUM) clinics in Kirklees are provided by Locala Sexual Health. We offer friendly, free and confidential sexual health services at Princess Royal Health Centre and Dewsbury Health Centre.

Call to make an appointment or find your nearest drop-in session or check here for clinic times and locations.

030 3330 9981
